The Journey

The mission of my program is to help adults suffering from addiction, pain, and abuse. I have grown to include reaching out to our youth, where I am reading stories to them. Being an agent of HOPE, it is my hope that if I’m able to plant GOOD seeds in our youth—our future, today, when they’re 9, then maybe, just maybe, I won’t have to visit them when they’re in jail, prison, or drug court when they’re 29, 39, or 59.
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My name is Charles W. Taylor, Jr.

I want to offer people an alternative when they find themselves under attack and supply them with my program’s products as they pursue their NEW journey.

Breaking Point

This story is about how the pressures of life can mount up and cause great harm to others and ourselves. We can’t always control the thoughts that enter our minds; however, we can control how long they stay!

The Green People

I wrote this story to show how mean-spirited emotions can cause great harm to others. These mean spirits have been around since Cain and Abel. They have been the driving forces behind murders, wars, slavery and disputes of ALL kinds.

Puppet Man

This is a story that shows how our lives can become out of balance when we lose control of our emotions.

About The Journey – adifferentkindofstorybook

My name is Charles W. Taylor, Jr. and I am a storyteller and the creator of The Journey adifferentkindofstorybook program. I established this program in June 2010 after suffering a relapse. I had been a 27-year cocaine addict during my middle years of life. In 2005 I was arrested and attended the Fayette County Drug Court program. I graduated in 2008 and, after 23 months of living free, I allowed pressures in my life to overtake me. I CHOSE to surrender to my anger and disappointments and threw all my hard work away.

When I came to myself several months later, I realized what I had done, and I was disappointed with myself. I was determined to find out WHAT just happened and WHY I would make such a choice.

I spoke to my mentor and friend, Dr. Paschal Baute, who encouraged me to write about the experience. I wrote my first story, “Getting High, Why? Since then I have written over 60 short stories. READ MORE

Charles W. Taylor, Jr.
Love & Peace

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