What People Are Saying

Mr. Taylor didn’t think of storytelling as innovating because it’s old school. I would say reading some of the testimonies on adifferentkindofstorybook.com from people that are recovering addicts and incarceration this type of program can have an effect on people in certain communities. Mr. Taylor is truly a man of so much wisdom and knowledge. My favorite quote was “There’s nothing wrong with being silly” from his mother. I love his program for the simple fact it’s different from other ministries I know of.


Listening to Mr. Taylor speak was very inspirational. It was interesting to learn about his background and how he got to where he is now. He was able to influence me in the short time that he got to speak, so I can only imagine the amount of success he has had in others’ lives. I hope he continues his work and making the impact he does on others.

I would say that Mr. Taylor is successful, because he is doing something that he enjoys doing. I truly believe that he has impacted people in a positive way and I think he would agree that would make him successful. Based on what Mr. Taylor presented us with, I don’t think there is much to critique because he is doing all of his work out of his own pocket which is something to admire.

. I think that his program is a great idea, and his passion for what he does beams through when he talks about it and makes it obvious that he truly believes in what he is doing. I think it is awesome that he is doing what he is passionate about, and something that himself as well as others can benefit from.

He feels that it is important to his program that he is able to prove that he is fully changed and transformed in a way that he would only be doing this because he is truly so passionate about it, not for any other reasons. I think this is a very successful program because he is passionate about what he does, and he truly impacts others. He said on his website there are over 60 testimonies of how the books have changed people. In my opinion, even if his stories had only impacted one person, they still would be a success.

. I believe Mr. Taylor is successful because he dedicated his time and his life to make a positive impact on other people’s lives. He has helped many people overcome their drug problems as well. He has shone new light on blind, retired veterans. He put a new idea in my head about how I am living my life and if I fulfill my purpose every day. He spent 27 years of his life on drugs that he will never get back. 27 years but now he has found his purpose and wants to help others grow through the struggles that he faced. He is successful because even if you just change one person’s life, you have helped change the world.
I thoroughly enjoyed Mr. Charles Taylor coming to speak to our class. He really made me think hard about my life and how I must allow myself to grow. I take control of my own life and ride my own horse.

Overall, I think the program is successful in its own unique way. First, he helped himself out of a dark part of his life. The further he made an impact on more people’s lives.

When you listen very carefully, they are more than just short stories they are almost like motivational speeches. I believe short story telling is necessary to have in life; most of the time they’re very motivational and uplifting, and that’s something everyone needs in their life. Charles is one of those guys who I know could help me get out of any dark point in my life just by listening to one of his stories. He is a guy with a really big heart and will help out whoever is put in his path. Just listening to him talk makes you zone in on what he is saying, and how important it is.

To me I love listening to motivational speakers. I compared him to all the other motivational speakers and TED talks that are in the online CLD 404 class. I think that everything he said has a meaning. Because he wants to get his point across and to be able to let other people know more about what he is doing. I also think that with him coming to speak he puts out a vibe in the air that makes you want to go out and motivate others and show that you care about everything that you do.

UK Community & Leadership Development
 at Garrigus.

February 16 at 1:18pm ·

Community education entrepreneur Charles W. Taylor, Jr. shared his non-formal method of community education with Mr. Hill’s CLD 475 class this morning! His programming, The Journey – adifferentkindofstorybook, has helped numerous individuals in and around the Lexington, KY area. Mr. Taylor discussed his curriculum development process so that students can better understand the “journey” that one encounters, while simultaneously articulating his passion for helping others. Thank you again for sharing your story with the Department of Community and Leadership Development!

The Journey which is the organization he established he feels like offering a path way to freedom. There is definitely a need for this particular organization that Mr. Taylor established. He uses these short stories to break down barriers and focus on the issues in individuals lives. These short stories are designed to have to deep mean and carry a powerful message in all of them.

I would say that Mr. Taylor is successful, because he is doing something that he enjoys doing. I truly believe that he has impacted people in a positive way and I think he would agree that would make him successful. Based on what Mr. Taylor presented us with, I don’t think there is much to critique because he is doing all of his work out of his own pocket which is something to admire. I really enjoyed having Mr. Charles Taylor come and talk to our class. He was very inspirational, and extremely encouraging.

I thoroughly enjoyed Mr. Charles Taylor coming to speak to our class. He really made me think hard about my life and how I must allow myself to grow. I take control of my own life and ride my own horse.

The goal of the short stories is a way of distracting and dismissing those “bad” emotions. They need for this product, when I first heard Taylor talk about it, did not seem prominent. The more I heard about his story and all he does with his books; the need is apparent.

When you listen very carefully they are more than just short stories they are almost like motivational speeches. I believe short story telling is necessary to have in life; most of the time they’re very motivational and uplifting, and that’s something everyone needs in their life. Charles is one of those guys who I know could help me get out of any dark point in my life just by listening to one of his stories. He is a guy with a really big heart and will help out whoever is put in his path. Just listening to him talk makes you zone in on what he is saying, and how important it is.

To me I love listening to motivational speakers. I compared him to all the other motivational speakers and TED talks that are in the online CLD 404 class. I think that everything he said has a meaning.