The Journey returned to the Fayette County Drug Court

by | Mar 19, 2018

The Journey – adifferentkindofstorybook returned to the Fayette County Drug Court program on March 19, 2018 at 6 p.m. I will be leading a new group to continue helping people struggling with addiction. This group will focus on more than relapse. We will also focus on life lessons and life skills. I want to help them locate their BAD “IT” so we can address it and hopefully change their behavior.

I want to give them an alternative to bad decisions. I want this group to plant GOOD things into the participants, so that GOOD things will be able to come out of them. With the help of my “kids” who have graduated and the ones who are still in drug court and are doing great, who have agreed to be part of this new group, we want to be agents of HOPE!

We want the newcomer or the person who is struggling to SEE that freedom is possible. My baby brother, Andy Locker, told me a couple of years ago that I am audio and video. I’ve never forgotten that. That statement is the core of my program. I’ve invited my kids to join me, so they can be the same to others. I want us to show that this journey IS possible—and if you want it AND are willing to fight for it, you can have it too!

Love & peace,
Brother Charles