We’re Blooming!

by | Oct 1, 2019

The Journey – adifferentkindofstorybook is Blooming!

As some of you are aware, my newest calling has led me to reach out and plant HOPE in my community’s young children. I’ve been reading stories to 2nd and 3rd graders at one of our elementary schools for the past year. It has been such a joy that I decided to try and expand my program to other local elementary schools. Also, I have set up a gofundme account with the purpose of putting one of my books in the hands of EACH of my young participants. I want them to have an alternative when they find themselves under attack. Here is how you can help:


During the first week of this month, I visited three additional schools. I prepared and left each school a packet explaining what my program has to offer. I’m trusting and believing that the Lord is going to germinate those seeds.

Now for the purpose of this story. There is an in-house rehabilitation center for women near where I live. What I LOVE about this particular center is that mothers are able to keep their children with them while they are working hard to change their lives. I LOVE that concept! Well, again, at the beginning of this month, this center was heavy on my heart. I saw how this new door encompassed my entire program, so I approached them. There were a lot of requirements that I needed to meet, and I totally understand that. However, I didn’t realize how long it was going to take to get all the results back. I must admit that after two weeks I became a little discouraged, but I NEVER GAVE UP hope. Last Thursday, the 23rd, I received a call from the director, and she informed me that they are looking forward to me getting started.

Well, yesterday was that day. (smile) I am reading stories to these young children after school. MAN! We had a ball! As you might expect, some of them are hurting and angry, so I see a golden opportunity to help. I prayed for this opportunity and it appears my prayer has been answered.

Stay tuned! I’ll keep you posted. (smile)


Love & Peace,

Brother Charles

My Ministry/Organization Info

Parent Name: “Bluegrass Aspendale Teen Center”

If you wish to contribute to this cause, please send an email to: [email protected], or go directly to my gofundme page.

My gofundme account address:



Thank you.