Hello Facebook family,                   10/19/20

                This is domestic violence awareness month. Often times people think of domestic violence as someone being hit, kicked, or punched, but they are NOT the only forms that this violence takes. Another one is sexual child abuse. This abuse leaves internal scars that can last for years, maybe even decades. These innocent, young children are scared and confused and they don’t know how to reach out for help.

                As they grow up and keep that horrible experience buried deep inside, many starts to believe that they were responsible. That it was their fault! All of my stories have a message and a purpose and I only write about things I know. Please, if you know someone or ARE someone who has lived with this terrible secret, PLEASE talk with someone you can trust.

                My book, “PAIN”, has four short stories and they are easy to read. One story is about grief, while the other three are about SEXUAL CHILD ABUSE. I have read these stories over the years to my groups in drug court and in detention centers and I’m always amazed at how many of them have been violated and hadn’t told a soul!

                My program has always been based in helping suffering people. These stories have helped many people to finally feel free to talk about it and to begin the healing process.

                                                                                           YOU ARE THE VICTIM, NOT THE VILLIAN!

                                                                                                         Asking for help is NOT weak!

                Please visit my website: adifferentkindofstorybook.com and click on the “Books” tab if you think my stories might help. I hope they do.


                                                                                                                       Love & Peace

                                                                                                                     Brother Charles