June 2022

Hello Friends. What is so special about the month of June?  Well, a year ago, Juneteenth was recognized as a national holiday, even though some states don’t. June 20th is the first day of summer – the longest day of daylight. I was born in June, quite a few years ago. (smile)

June 2010, my program: The Journey – adifferentkindofstorybook was born. Since its conception, I have served a variety of groups. I began ministering to inmates in my local county detention center here in Lexington, Ky. for 4 years and a neighboring county detention center for 3 years. These men wanted to change their lives and my goal was and is,  to offer them HOPE and direction, both thru my stories and my presence.

I was a group leader for 9 ½ years with my local county drug court and Veteran’s Treatment Court, which are outpatient treatment programs for people who struggle with drug and alcohol abuse. Over the years, I’ve read my stories to church groups, young adults in high school, children in middle school, children in elementary school and most recent to children in daycare. My hope is to reach these kids before they go the wrong way.

I use the POWER of storytelling to reach, engage and hopefully inspire. I consider myself to be an AGENT of HOPE and it is my hope that my group sessions and my stories, inform as well as entertain. It is my purpose to make a meaningful contribution in the lives of suffering people.

I thank ALL of you who have supported my program over the past 12 years and my program is far from over. I am in the process of taking my program to the next level of growth and your continued support will be greatly appreciated, so stay tuned for future updates. 12 years and counting!

I thank God for placing this calling in my heart, because I receive as much from my groups as I hope they receive from me.


Love & Peace,

Brother Charles