Hello  friends,

I thank those of you who have followed and supported my program for the past 12 plus years. During those years I’ve become a writer, published author, certified Fayette County Public Schools volunteer, a certified group leader and a storyteller. Each step bulked up my credentials.

Well today I am happy to announce that I am now a certified Fayette County Public Schools contractor. This allows me to visit and bring my program to public schools here in Lexington, KY. One more step in the growth of The Journey – adifferentkindofstorybook. Being paid has never been an issue for me, but with this certification, I can if I choose. This gives me teethe! (smile)

 The focus of my program is on elementary and middle school children. I want to be an alternative to what they are being bombarded with daily! I am currently in contact with 5 schools here in Lexington and they all seemed interested. I will be following up with them in the days to come, so please keep my program in your thoughts and prayers.

Sure, I’ve made my share of mistakes along the way, but I’ve also learned SO much.

It’s been a long and tough road getting here, but I have also enjoyed so many wonderful moments, so like I always say at the end of my stories –


Love & Peace