I had the month of February off from reading to kids in elementary schools, because of testing. I’m always amazed at how when one door closes, a new one opens for my program.
My friend/brother, Todd Keys, has a program where he visits and adult daycare facility every Wednesday at 1:15. He has been asking me to for weeks to visit the patients with him and read my stories to them. I hadn’t been able due to my sessions with the kids at that time.
When I told him that I was free for the month of February, I agreed to join him. I had never heard anything about the facility, so I knew nothing about it. Todd informed me that the patience are all handicapped – mentally and/or physically.
When I arrived, I was observing the patience and wondered if they would understand my stories. THEY DID! Their warmth and love they gave me was overwhelming. I don’t mind telling you, it brought tears to my eyes and my heart. They are so pure and genuine. What a blessing!
I’ve visited them 3 times and each time was better than the last. (smile) They let me know that they’re glad to see me and want me to come back.
Now that I’m back reading to my kids, I’ve decided to alternate my Wednesdays between the young kids and the older folks. The school understands and agrees with me decision.
I thank God and Todd for these opportunities, and I hope to continue to grow my program. I’m grateful to be just one ingredient in the lives of these people.
Please continue to support my program. I’m looking forward to the new doors that are waiting down the road.
Love & Peace