Welcome to The Journey – adifferentkindofstorybook 

       June 2010, my program, The Journey – adifferentkindofstorybook, was born. Since its inception, I have served a variety of vulnerable groups. I began by ministering to inmates in my local county detention center here in Lexington, KY. for four years. Then, for three years to a neighboring county detention center. These men wanted to change their lives and my goal was and is, to offer them HOPE and direction, both thru my stories and my presence.

       I was also a group leader for nine and a half years with my local county drug court and Veteran’s Treatment Court. These are outpatient treatment programs for people who struggle with drug and alcohol abuse. Over the years, I’ve read my stories to church groups, young adults in high school, children in middle school, children in elementary school and most recently to children in daycare. My hope is to reach these kids before they go the wrong way. I try to make our time together fun and I hope to plant GOOD seeds in them while they are young – so I won’t have to visit them in jail or at a funeral.

       I help participants express how they feel and describe their experiences related to my stories. The program allows participants to place themselves into the stories in order to foster an authentic dialogue about experiences and emotions without the fear of judgment. My purpose is to make a positive contribution in the lives of suffering people.

       I use the POWER of storytelling to reach, engage and – hopefully – inspire. I consider myself to be an AGENT of HOPE and it is my hope that my group sessions and my stories are both meaningful and enjoyable.  It’s been 12 years and counting!

       I thank God for placing this calling in my heart because I receive as much from my groups as I hope they receive from me.


Love & Peace,

Brother Charles